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Krafters CC232 Small Craft Containers
Ideal for a multitude of storage uses as well as uses in craft projects, this 8-piece Small Craft Containers Set features hard plastic containers with flexible plastic tops. Each piece measures approximately 1" x 1". Comes packaged in a poly bag with a header card.
Ideal for a multitude of storage uses as well as uses in craft projects, this 8-piece Small Craft Containers Set features hard plastic containers with soft plastic tops. Each piece measures approximately 1" x 1". Comes packaged in a poly bag with a header card.
- Manufacturer:
- Model Number:
- Condition:
- Weight:
- Dimensions:
- Updated:
- Added:
- krafters korner
- CC232
- New
- 1.00lbs
- 5 X 5 X 5
- Sep 03, 2024
- Jun 26, 2019
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Krafters CC232 Small Craft Containers