Balmar K12-1000 Rgb Receiver Nodergb Led 4 Amp Receiver. The Receiver Receives The Rgb Signal That Is Sent From The Controller, Through The Standard Power Wires And Converts It Back To Rgb To Change The Colors And Intensity!
RGB Receiver Node
RGB LED 4 amp Receiver. The Receiver receives the RGB Signal that is sent from the controller, through the standard power wires and converts it back to RGB to change the colors and intensity!
This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns.RGB Receiver Node
RGB LED 4 amp Receiver. The Receiver receives the RGB Signal that is sent from the controller, through the standard power wires and converts it back to RGB to change the colors and intensity!
- Manufacturer:
- Model Number:
- Condition:
- Weight:
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- Updated:
- Added:
- Balmar
- K12-1000
- New
- 0.05lbs
- 7 X 0 X 1
- Jun 28, 2024
- Apr 15, 2021
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Balmar K12-1000 Rgb Receiver Nodergb Led 4 Amp Receiver. The Receiver Receives The Rgb Signal That Is Sent From The Controller, Through The Standard Power Wires And Converts It Back To Rgb To Change The Colors And Intensity!